TruckPR Team

» Doug Siefkes
» Stephen Petit
» Gregory Van Tighem
» Bill Virgin

About SiefkesPetit

SiefkesPetit Communications (say SEEF-kis PET-it) is a PR firm specializing in commercial trucking and off-highway equipment markets including construction, agriculture, and defense. Contact us here: 

317 N.W. Gilman Blvd. #39
Issaquah WA 98027

Phone: 425-392-2611
Fax: 425-392-2454

» Download a summary of what we do (113K PDF)

TruckPR was developed by SiefkesPetit Communications as a place to find great story ideas and other information about trucks and off-highway equipment. It’s inspired by the reality that no pot of coffee will help you fill a sidebar-sized hole on a page like a few hundred words on maintenance or equipment specs or financing. And there’s no better interview icebreaker than, “I read what you said about this. Can you tell me more?”

How Can I Use This Material?

Use it as-is, edited to fit, or as a springboard for something you’re working on or might come back to later. These stories are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-3.0 License so please mention the source (our client) and restrict their use to your reporting. No commercial advertising or marketing. Same with the photography on our Flickr stream.

What’s the Catch?

Caveat emptor. Most of what’s here has been published either in chunks or in full form. If you see something you want to use, tell us so we can tell you about any changes from when the story was written or help you gauge its level of exposure.

I Want Something Fresh

We work on new stories all the time and can talk to you about them exclusively. Please get in touch with us.

Make It Yours

TruckPR a place for ideas, not just copy. Take what you see, build on it, make it your own. To kick-start the process, talk to us about interviews, background, or any images you may need. We’re here to help.

I’m a Supplier. Can You Post My Stories?

Let’s talk. Please call Stephen or Doug at +1-425-392-2611.