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» Stephen Petit
» Gregory Van Tighem
» Bill Virgin

About SiefkesPetit

SiefkesPetit Communications (say SEEF-kis PET-it) is a PR firm specializing in commercial trucking and off-highway equipment markets including construction, agriculture, and defense. Contact us here: 

317 N.W. Gilman Blvd. #39
Issaquah WA 98027

Phone: 425-392-2611
Fax: 425-392-2454

» Download a summary of what we do (113K PDF)

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Rolling in the Dough

Lamonica’s Pizza relies on a reputation for quality and on-time performance. Learn how PacLease helps the company realize that reputation as it delivers about 1 million pounds of pizza dough products weekly for breads and pizza to hundreds of distributors and major retailers.