About TFS Group

About TFS Group

TFS Group is a privately owned accounting and compliance services firm that specializes in commercial transportation. It offers accounting, bookkeeping, tax return preparation, IFTA fuel tax reporting, mileage tax reporting, hours-of-service auditing, and permitting and licensing services.

The company is based in Waterloo, Ont., and has clients in Canada and the United States. 


TFS Group
105 Bauer Pl.
Waterloo, ON N2L 6B5


Company Contact:

Scott Taylor, Vice President

Key Executives

Scott Taylor, Vice President
Steve Mulligan, Vice President


Tax planning
Fuel tax reporting
Mileage tax reporting
HOS auditing 

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Media Contact

Stephen Petit
SiefkesPetit Communications

+1-425-392-2611 office
+1-425-443-8976 mobile

RSS Feed

TFS Group provides accounting and compliance services to truck fleets and owner-operators of all sizes and stripes. The company is based in Canada, but its straightforward, plain-spoken advice and methods for managing the business side of the trucking business are universal. Story angles include choosing a business structure; tax strategies and compliance; IFTA reporting; financial planning; and managing the relationship between owner-operators and carriers. Media contact: Stephen Petit


More Flags Than a Pennant Factory

In something of a New Year’s tradition around here, we once again take a look at Canada Revenue Agency’s blotter of tax-fraud convictions. The agency posts these summaries on its web site and releases them to the media hoping that we’ll see them as cautionary tales and not make the same mistakes ourselves.

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Find Tax Deductions in Your Finance Docs  

Loan-related expenses aren’t like most business expenses. Interest and other fees may be amortized over the life of the loan and wrapped into monthly payments. Up-front administrative or documentation fees may be buried in the fine print. The paperwork can be onerous and complicated. It’s easy to miss potential deductions. Here’s what you need to know.

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Early CPP and Your Tax Bill

In the tax-filing business, customers only rarely come away happy. We can do great work planning and organizing but at the end of the day you still have to pay your taxes. No one brushes their fingers across a freshly prepared tax return like it’s leather upholstery. All people ever want to know is why they owe so much more tax than last year.

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Learn to Use CRA’s Online Services

No matter who prepares your tax return, it’s up to you to make sure it’s accurate and filed on time. When you’re counting on someone else for help, how do you verify that your account is up to date?

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You Get What You Pay For

Think about whether you’re getting good value out of the people who do your accounting, bookkeeping, tax prep, or financial planning. You pay good money for these services. Is it worth it?

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The Trappings of Tapping into Your RRSP

Should you take money out of your RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) to pay down debt or other expenses? Good question, especially if your retirement investments may be earning very little or even declining in value while the banks get rich on interest on loans and credit card debt. Here’s what to think about before you answer.

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Sole Searching: Sole Proprietorships for Truckers

Choosing a structure for your business is a very big deal, and your decision will have a significant effect on how you report your income, the type of returns you file each year, and how you support expenses. Here’s what you should about sole proprietorships in trucking.

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