State Agencies That Adopt Drivewyze Could Meet Core CVISN Requirements for E-Screening

LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 24, 2013 — The Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA) has announced that devices such as tablets, Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) and smartphones are now defined as meeting the interpretation of a “Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) transponder” under the Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) program.
This means that state law enforcement agencies that adopt the Drivewyze™ inspection bypass and e-screening system can now claim to meet one of the requirements to access funding from the $25 million CVISN program. Now active in over 200 sites in 15 states, Drivewyze PreClear uses GPS and cellular technology to provide commercial vehicles with bypass opportunities at weigh stations and mobile inspection sites, using ELDs, tablets, smartphones and other in-cab equipment. Unlike other bypass programs, which are based on traditional transponder technologies, Drivewyze doesn’t require any state investment in roadside infrastructure.
“This is good news for state agencies, the trucking industry, for the FMCSA and for highway safety,” said Brian Heath, President and CEO of Drivewyze. “State agencies will no longer need to invest in costly infrastructure based on traditional radio transponder systems. Commercial trucks will be able to enjoy weigh station bypass and e-screening programs using an in-cab communications platform of their choosing. And the FMCSA will be able to rapidly expand their CVISN program, which helps improve safety and efficiency on America’s highways.”
According to the FMCSA, mobile devices with a transceiver meeting the functional requirements laid out in the CVISN Operational and Architectural Compatibility Handbook (COACH) are considered to be CMRS transponders, and are accepted as meeting the interpretation of transponder for core CVISN compliance under Section 4126 of SAFETEA – LU.
Drivewyze currently provides commercial vehicle bypass services in Connecticut, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, Vermont and West Virginia. Drivewyze PreClear also offers intrastate billing options in select states. For more information please visit
About Drivewyze Inc.
Drivewyze™ Inc. is an innovative technology service provider to the transportation industry, and is committed to improving road safety and efficiency for everyone. Drivewyze was founded in 2010 as a subsidiary of Intelligent Imaging Systems Inc., a provider of industry-leading road safety equipment and software services. Partnering with industry and government stakeholders to deliver time-saving and cost-effective driving solutions to commercial vehicle operators and carriers, Drivewyze provides unsurpassed business value to the trucking industry.