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About SiefkesPetit

SiefkesPetit Communications (say SEEF-kis PET-it) is a PR firm specializing in commercial trucking and off-highway equipment markets including construction, agriculture, and defense. Contact us here: 

317 N.W. Gilman Blvd. #39
Issaquah WA 98027

Phone: 425-392-2611
Fax: 425-392-2454

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Leaner, Greener and Keener Side Skirt

For those truck operators who have been caught in a quandary — how to install trailer side skirts while also paying for higher fuel costs, Freight Wing provides an option. How about financing programs that result in net profits from day one, as payments are significantly less than the fuel savings? And on top of that, Freight Wing’s new 2012 AeroFlex is 30 pounds lighter. Learn more about the 2012 AeroFlex trailer side skirt and Freight Wing’s financing option.