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About SiefkesPetit

SiefkesPetit Communications (say SEEF-kis PET-it) is a PR firm specializing in commercial trucking and off-highway equipment markets including construction, agriculture, and defense. Contact us here: 

317 N.W. Gilman Blvd. #39
Issaquah WA 98027

Phone: 425-392-2611
Fax: 425-392-2454

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Protection for "The Big Easy"

Just 14 months after delivering its first truck equipped with a PACCAR MX engine, PacLease is leasing a Kenworth T800 tractor equipped with PacLease’s 1,000th PACCAR MX engine to Lafarge North America. Lafarge is using the truck, along with a number of Kenworth mixers it’s leasing from PacLease, on several federal projects designed to rebuild New Orleans’ storm surge protection system decimated by Hurricane Katrina. Learn more about the truck and what it means to Lafarge.